
  • ansa capital management is an investment boutique. Owner-managed, self-invested and independent.

    We focus on developing and implementing global total return and absolute return strategies on a quantitative basis. Global Macro is our passion.

    For us, total return means taking responsibility for the performance and risk of a portfolio independent of a benchmark. Our absolute return strategies focus on fixed risk targets and the achievement of market-independent returns.

    Building on the scientific knowledge of the last 50 years and curiosity about new methods in modern portfolio management, we implement investment decisions in a disciplined manner. Traceable causalities and active risk management are indispensable for us. Binding rules are important for this. The success driver of all strategies is a stringent investment process.

    At ansa capital management you will find young professionals and very experienced portfolio managers in a special symbiosis. We are characterized by a high professional standard in everything we do. We appreciate the special working environment of a focused investment boutique. We all share passion for capital markets and quantitative models.

    We take time for dialogue and are personal contacts and knowledge providers for our investors.


  • At ansa, we are confident that the future of investments will be shaped by two significant ongoing developments:

    • the rapidly growing integration of innovative data science technologies
    • a deeper understanding by investors that the fundamental integration of ESG considerations leads to better informed investment decisions, positive contributions beyond pure investment outcomes, and a more holistic approach to finance.


    Our guideline for sustainable investing provides you with more detailed information.

    As a company, we intend for all our investment funds, where consistent with the fund objectives, to be classified as Article 8 funds in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the finan-cial services sector (SFDR).

    Today, our Multi Asset Investment Fund, managed by ansa since 2014, is classified as Article 8 fund.

    Regarding assets managed in separate accounts, we discuss with our clients how sustainable investment approaches can be implemented considering their investment constraints and objectives, and we implement an explicit ESG strategy.

    Since 2020, ansa has been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is committed to pursuing a sustainable approach to making investment decisions.

    ansa supports the recommendations of the TCFD. With this, we aim to publicly demonstrate our commitment to building a more resilient financial system through climate-related disclosure.

    Als Unterstützer von Advance erkennen wir das Potenzial und die Effizienz einer gemeinschaftlichen Stewardship-Initiative an, die die Geschäftspraktiken im Bereich der Menschenrechte verbessert und die Risiken für Investitionen reduziert.

  • Support and leadership from senior investment professionals with diverse skills and experience


    Heinz Hilgert – chairman

    Heinz Hilgert is Principal of TransVise GmbH. TransVise was founded by him in 2009 and acts as an international Business Consultat and Senior Advisor and supports clients  in designing and executing marketing strategies in the German financial industry covering a broad range of topics. He previously held positions as Deputy CEO of DZ Bank AG and as CEO of WestLB AG. During this time he fulfilled a variety of supervisory board mandates, inter alia, in the Union Asset Management Holding AG, the R + V Insurance AG and the Team Bank. He currently accompanies the Data Group AG in this function and is Chairman of GFKL Lowell group.


    Norbert-Otto Mayer

    Since joining the BMW Group Norbert-Otto Mayer has held a number of senior
 positions and has managed a wide range of business activities in financial market risk management, including cash management and currency risk. In 2010 Mr. Mayer was appointed Senior Vice President Finance and Group Treasurer, overseeing Corporate Finance, Asset Management, Pensions, Investor Relations and Treasury Centres in Asia Pacific, the US and Europe. In total his asset management responsibility amounts to approx. € 20 Bn. Before joinging the BMW Group in 1984 he worked for Bayerische Vereinsbank and Dresdner Bank.

    Jürgen Olbermann

    Jürgen Olbermann was for 20 years responsible as managing director in various FERI companies for the institutional client business of the asset management group. Since 2010 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Inter Insurance Group in Mannheim. Prior to joining FERI, he worked for 10 years as Managing Director and Supervisory Board member (EI Euroinvest) at LGT Germany Group.

Total Return

  • Investment approach:

    We pursue a long-term systematic global macro strategy. The multi-asset investment universe consists of global equities, government bonds, commodities and alternative risk premiums, which enable an investment level of > 100%. The core of the strategic orientation is an equity allocation of 70%. We derive the tactical allocation from the macroeconomic and monetary environment.

    Investment objective:

    The fund is designed as a total return strategy. By this we mean taking responsibility for a benchmark-free portfolio. The robust multi-asset diversification aims to generate attractive returns while achieving stability and resilience of the portfolio over time. The target return is 6% – 7% p.a. Volatility will be in the region of 10-11%. – the fund concept explained interactively in 10 steps


    • Achievement of constant capital growth with controlled risk in both falling and rising market rates in the major global asset classes: Equities, bonds, commodities and currencies
    • Uncorrelated source of return compared to traditional investment opportunities but also other absolute return strategies
    • Built on proprietary scientific research in the field of factor investing
    • Exclusive and clear process with professional risk management


    • General market price risk – the fund is exposed to fluctuations in the value of global equity, bond, currency and commodity markets
    • Theoretical maximum loss of 10% per calendar year
    • Specific liquidity risks


    General Information

    Category Global Macro/Multi-Asset
    Fund Administrator Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services S.A.
    Portfolio Manager ansa capital management GmbH
    Custodian Bank Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG, Niederlassung Luxembourg
    Fiscal Year 31.12.
    Fund Currency EUR
    Fund Administratior Fee up to 0.18%
    Custodian Bank Fee 0,06% p.a.
    Performance Fee 20% rel. to  Euribor + 300 bps p.a.
    Public Distribution Lux, Ge


    Share Class P

    ISIN/WKN LU0995674651 / A1W86R
    Bloomberg ticker ANGQOPP LX
    Inception Date 31.03.2014
    Distribution Policy distributing
    Portfolio Management Fee 1,35% p.a
    Front-end Load up to 5%
    Minimum Investment 25.000 EUR

      Share Class I

    ISIN/WKN LU1091585262 / A11830
    Bloomberg ticker ANGQIAE LX
    Inception Date 30.09.2014
    Distribution Policy accumulating
    Portfolio Management Fee 0,85% p.a
    Front-end Load 0%
    Minimum Investment 1.000.000 Mio. €

    source: Fund Administrator


    ansa – global Q opportunities

    Sustainability-related disclosures

    The disclosure of sustainability-related information on this financial product has been made via the
    website of Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services S.A. (administrator). See also:

    The linking is checked regularly. If there are any technical difficulties accessing the documents, please contact us.

    We will be happy to help you.

    Follow ansa capital management. You will receive our monthly product newsletter, as well as invitations to themed events.

  • Investment Approach:

    We follow a long-term systematic global macro strategy combined with an individual pre-defined maximal loss level. The investment universe consists of global equities, global government bonds, commodities, and currencies. Investment in each market is made with listed equity and government bond futures, ETFs and ETCs. Asset allocation is derived from the macroeconomic environment via a quantitative model and is complemented by active risk management. Investors actively set the risk budget individually. The adaptive target risk approach ensures compliance with the lower loss limit and controls the investment level without changing the optimal asset allocation. A special fund mandate starts from 25 mn €.

    Investment Objective:

    The fund employs a total return strategy. The active management of the strategy is based only on the investment objectives and is not constrained by a benchmark. The objective of the special fund strategy is to achieve the highest possible value growth over the long term, taking into account the individual risk budget, and to comply with the maximum lower loss limits. – the fund concept explained interactively in 10 steps


    • Achievement of constant capital growth with controlled risk in both falling and rising market rates in the major global asset classes: Equities, bonds, commodities and currencies
    • Uncorrelated source of return compared to traditional investment opportunities but also other absolute return strategies
    • Built on proprietary scientific research in the field of factor investing
    • Exclusive and clear process with professional risk management


    • General market price risk – the fund is exposed to fluctuations in the value of global equity, bond, currency and commodity markets
    • Theoretical maximum loss of 10% per calendar year
    • Specific liquidity risks

    Please leave us a message, if a individual mandate applies to you . We will contact you immediately.

      I am interested in the following fund configurations:

    Absolute Return

    • Investment approach

      The ansa – global Q equity market neutral fund combines profound experience in quant equity management with state-of-the-art machine learning methods. The portfolio is designed to be neutral to global equity markets, as well as to regions and subsectors, aiming to capture true idiosyncratic alpha. We systematically derive subsector long-/short pairs that are implemented via total-return swaps. Pair selection and position sizing for the final portfolio are aligned with predefined diversification and risk management objectives.

      Investment Objective:

      The fund is designed as an absolute return strategy, acting as an uncorrelated source of return versus traditional liquid asset classes. We aim to generate a long-term increase in the value of the capital invested. The (net) return target is about 5% p.a.. The volatility is around 7%.


      • Achievement of constant capital growth with controlled risk in both falling and rising prices in the major global asset classes: Equities, bonds, commodities and currencies
      • Uncorrelated source of returns compared to traditional investment options
      • Built on the development of a proprietary algorithm for data-based identification of stocks with positive/negative expected excess returns.
      • Exclusive and clear process with professional risk management


      • Risks of changes in the value or price of shares
      • Risks in connection with derivative transactions
      • Counterparty risk


      Fund Name ansa – global Q equity market neutral
      Asset Manager ansa capital management GmbH, Bensheim
      Management Company Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main
      Fund Category (BVI) Strategy Fund Equity L/S Market Neutral Global


      Share Classes Share Class S Share Class I Share Class R
      Fund Currency EUR (Euro) EUR (Euro) EUR (Euro)
      ISIN DE000A3DEBZ3 DE000A3DEB01 DE000A3DEB19
      Use of Earnings Accumulating Accumulating Distributing
      Current Cost (estimate) 0.7 % 1.15 % 1.65 %
      Issue Surcharge (actual) None None Current 5 %
      Minimun investment >1 Mio. EUR >100k EUR >100 EUR
      Performance Fee 15% 20% 20%
      Performance Fee 3-months-Euribor® 3-months-Euribor® 3-months-Euribor®

      Follow ansa capital management! You will receive our monthly product newsletter, as well as invitations to themed events!


    • Dr. Andreas Sauer, CFA

      Dr. Andreas Sauer, CFA is founder and principal of the company. He has more than 30 years of experience in quantitative asset management as well as in advising and supporting institutional clients. He is passionate about translating scientific ideas and quantitative approaches into successful investment strategies. Until 2012, he was CEO & CIO of Quoniam Asset Management, which he co-founded as a partner in 1999 and led to become Germany’s most successful investment boutique within 13 years.

      For him, ansa capital management means entrepreneurial action out of conviction with a congenial team and in complete alignment with client interests.

    • Dr. Daniel Linzmeier
      Managing Partner

      For more than 15 years Daniel has dedicated his work to quantitative research of equities as well as several approaches for portfolio construction.

      Besides his business mathematics studies at the University of Trier he started as portfolio manager at DZ Privatbank in Luxembourg. He did his PhD studies at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar and intensively studied quantitative forecasting models, downside risk measures as well as various “smart beta” approaches. In February 2008 he joined today’s Quoniam Asset Management, where he was most recently responsible for mandates for institutional clients with a volume of around EUR 2 billion in the Equities & Asset Allocation division.

      Since 2015, he has been partner, managing director and member of the investment committee at ansa capital management and is jointly responsible for the development and implementation of the systematic portfolio strategies.

    • Dr. Sascha Mergner
      Partner, Executive Director, Head of Portfolio Management

      Passionate about bringing analytical thinking, data-driven analysis and entrepreneurial spirit together, Sascha is an expert in quantitative and fundamental investment styles with proven asset raising and client servicing capabilities.

      Before joining ansa and taking a one-year family sabbatical, he spent nearly 15 years at Quoniam where he managed the Portfolio Management department with ultimate responsibility for the equities, fixed income and multi asset strategies, managed across over 120 institutional mandates with over EUR 25bn in assets.

      Sascha completed his Doctoral Studies in Applied Econometrics dealing with the econometric modelling of regime changes in financial markets, while working as a quantitative equity strategist at Generali Investments. He holds a Diploma in Economics after studying at the University of Göttingen and UCLA, Los Angeles.

    • Dr. Maximilian Sauer
      Partner, Head of Research

      Maximilian completed his master’s degree at the University of Cambridge and previously studied at Boston University, Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, and Columbia University in New York as part of his academic education. His particular interest lies in machine learning approaches in asset management. He completed his PhD on “GlassBox Machine Learning” in Asset Pricing at the EDHEC Business School while working.

      For him, ansa capital management represents “state-of-the-art” investment strategies that arise from sophisticated discussions at the highest level in a congenial team and genuine entrepreneurial spirit.

    • Sabine Riede-Sauer

      Sabine worked at SAP AG in software development for the area of HR-Time Management and Personnel Administration after her business studies. In this environment, she later worked for many years as a freelance business consultant.

      With the founding of ansa she took on duties and responsibilities in the areas of personnel, marketing and administration.

    • David Grünmayer
      Partner, Director Client Relations

      David Grünmayer has worked closely with portfolio management teams for more than 10 years. Before and after completing his MBA at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, he worked as Sales Director for a major German investment company, advising banks, private banking managers and institutional clients on active and quantitative fund models. In addition to communicating fund development and fund policy, his focus was on fund consulting, fund sales and customer communication.

      For him, ansa capital management means the best possible environment and implementation of a multi-asset strategy with a full focus on one fund. Working closely with portfolio management gives him the opportunity to pass on fund developments to clients with maximum transparency and to develop the right images and words in communication.

    • Jan Gutjahr
      Portfolio Manager

      After completing his interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree at Zeppelin University, Jan deepened his interest in financial market theory through a quantitative Master’s program at the University of St. Gallen. During his studies, he gained valuable experience as a working student at the Liechtensteinische Landesbank, applying machine learning in asset management. In his Master’s thesis, he focused on the topic of factor timing and used machine learning methods to analyze dynamic forecasting models for predicting stock returns.

      For Jan, ansa provides the ideal opportunity to apply the methodological skills he has learned in asset and portfolio management while also practically applying and further deepening his knowledge of financial markets.

    • Dr. Lars Hofmann
      Portfolio Manager

      Lars completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in mathematics at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Subsequently, during his Ph.D. at WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, he worked on the application of modern, state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) algorithms in asset management. Here he developed a new ML-based trading strategy for funds of hedge funds in his second and third research papers.

      During his Ph.D., Lars complemented his academic research with practical experience as a portfolio manager in the multi-asset team at Quoniam Asset Management. He primarily developed new investment strategies and, in doing so, was able to build up sound expertise in quantitative asset management.

      For Lars, ansa means thinking ahead in quantitative asset management in a highly professional and motivated team using the most recent scientific methodology.

    • Kevin Joerg, CFA
      Partner, Senior Portfolio Manager

      Kevin enjoyed an extensive education at the University of St. Gallen. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a masters degree in banking and finance. During his studies, he set a strong focus on financial data science and for his masters thesis, he researched interpretable machine learning models for stock selection. At ansa capital management, he has been jointly responsible for implementing and continuously improving our equity market neutral strategy. In addition, Kevin completed the CFA program and is a CFA charterholder.

      To him, being part of ansa means passionately employing cutting-edge machine learning techniques and fostering teamwork to develop innovative investment strategies.

    • Nicole Stigler
      Corporate Administration

      Nicole is a certified management assistant with focus on business administration. She has many years of experience in all administrative areas and in project management.

      Nicole’s employers include Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse Asset Management, and Allianz Global Investors. The last six years before joining ansa, she was assistant to the executive board of a medium-sized company in the pharmaceutical sector.

      Nicole is responsible for all administrative duties as well as compliance.

      She likes about ansa capital management that she can use her broad experience to work on demanding tasks to the highest professional standards.


    ansa capital management GmbH
    Hochstraße 2                                An der Welle 4
    64625 Bensheim                          60322 Frankfurt
    Germany                                      Germany

    phone +49 6251 85693-0